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mura A, Chadbunchachai W,NakaharaS.

Modification of the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) Method Provides Better Survival Prediction in Asian BluntTraumaVictims.

World J Surg 36(4):813-818,2012.

Efficacy of semiquantitatively measured serum procalcitonin as a guide to cessation of antibiotic therapy insepticpatients.

J Infect. 65(2):187-189,2012.

Hagiwara A, Shimbo T, Kimira A, Sasaki R, Kobayashi K, Sato T.Using fibrin degradation products level to facilitate diagnostic evaluation of potential acuteaorticdissection.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 35(1):15-22,2013.

Katsuma A, Hinoshita F, Masumoto S, Hagiwara A,KimuraA.

Acute renal failure following exposure tometallicmercury.

Clin Nephrol, Dec 20: [Epub ahead ofprint],2012.
